
Monday, November 20 2017

t was an awesome week. We had a lot of success which was fun, but we also just had a hoot with everything we did. #ripSøsterWheeler OH YA BIG NEWS: I am staying in Haugesund and Søster Wheeler is moving back to Bergen! My new companion is awesome I hear..she is my same misson age but she served a transfer in Canada before she entered the MTC plus she is Søster Earls comp right now!! So that is fun. Little bubble of love. Other than that, here is the basic throw down of the week: 1-Louis is the dopest fella in the world. He lives in Stavanger and he is investigating the church. A few weeks ago I rapped for him and he promised to paint me a painting in exchange. He finally gave it to me last monday night and I was SO HYPED. LOL BUT HE JUST BOUGHT THIS OLD CRAPPY PAINTING FROM FRETEX SO SAD. My heart was broken. 2-The hair cuts we got last week were 720 kroner aka like 80 dollars. HAHA that is why our mission is the most expensive in the world, we get funded a lot of money f

Monday, November 13 2017

A mormons bok of course! That is what our investigator did at least. LOL. But more on that in a little bit. Another week down. Lots of memories in my pocket, wouldn't trade them for anything! Not a ton happened, and I am so tired haha so this one is going to be a little short. (we caught the  6 am  bus down to stavanger today) 1-Yes, our investigator fell in his house, pushed his life alert button, and before he got rushed to the hospital, he had them grab his book of mormon! Can you believe that? That is crazy! When he called us to tell us we could not skype him we were kind of sad but then he told us he was in the haugesund hospital and we were so stoked! We went to visit him and he was so mad because he forgot to bring his reading glasses! We told him that it was way sick that he brought his book of mormon though. He wants to get baptized- so now we have two investigators who want to - but because of addictions they cannot. Which is sad, but their testimonies are strong a

Monday, November 6 2017

WOWOW NORWAY. Such an amazing week. More than amazing to say the least. I have learned a lot and grown a lot and experienced a lot. I am becoming obsessed with this place. 1- We went on a drive all up and down the West coast of Norway with Ingebjørg. 10/10 reccomend. It was awesome. We ate soup in the place where she grew up and visited her cabin and saw so many beautiful things. WOW. She is awesome. The best part was getting to talk with her about life. I want to be like her. 2- We celebrated Halloween with a few members. We trick or treated (which a few poeple do in Norway) and knocked on her door. We dressed up as eachother which was pretty fun. We went inside and hung out a little bit. We also watched a movie with a member family and Tanita so that was way fun. I did not eat that much candy..blessings. 3- On the bus home one night I was distracted because I saw our bus drive past that we needed to switch to. I was so busy thinkin about it that when a man sat down next to

Monday, October 30 2017

A lot happened this week. A LOT. It is one of the most puzzling things about a can I experience a month's worth of experiences in just one week? I do not know. But I am definteily experiencing life. 1-We went to djupadalen with Sarah for pday. We got to her house and she had a HUGE lunch made. wooowww lucky us. We walked to the lake and swung on the swing and fed ducks and etc. It was so fun. The fall leaves were really pretty-reminded me of home of course. When we got back to her house she gave a bag--in the bag was a USU shirt she bought for me in utah! YES. She also gave us a huuuge wall clock haha. 2-BERGEN. We went to Bergen for zone conference and splits. It was so fun! We took the clock with us. I do not really know why. We thought it was funny. It ended up just being a huge heavy clock we had to carry around hahaha. oops. But, not only did I meet a lot of cool people, but most of my MTC group was there. Of course, it would not be zone conference if I

Monday, October 23 2017

This week was very special. I learned A LOT about myself and about my mission and about everything. I really believe that I am becoming perfected.  1-  Monday  we went on a hike with Sarah to the viking memorial again and then the lighthouse thing again. It was fun. I love her so much I do not understand how my heart does not just burst. She told me I am not allowed to tell her I love her anymore though, so I have to keep it all inside. She told me I can only express my love is through little services- i think she is just trying to prepare me for marraige. Sneaky sarah. 2- We met a man on the street. I asked him what makes him happy, he looked at me and told me i had already asked him that before. HAHA OOPS. I asked him what he would ask god if he could ask him any question. He looked down, started crying, and just pondered for almost five minutes. It was really cool to encourage him and promise him that whatever was on his mind, he could get an answer to. We gave him our card a

Monday, October 16 2017

With transfers and stuff this week, I thought time would fly by. I could not have been more wrong haha. Not a ton happened at all. Or maybe I just do not really feel like emailing so I cannot rememeber a lot but here it goes. 1- Søster Earl left. I cried. A lot. I get really attached to people haha and it breaks my heart saying goodbye. I was definitely very sad. While we waited for Søster Wheeler to get to Haugesund, Jens bought me a hot dog and we sat and ate together. It was a good time. Then Søster Wheeler came and it was an awesome reunion. That night we went home after a few hours of missionary work. We just sat at our desk and cried. WE ARE BABIES IN THE MISSION and we are ALONE in Haugesund. HAHA. We were so sad that we had to grow up so fast. It was not the best night of my mission.  2- We visited our 78 year old investigator at her house. It was so fun. We sang I am a Child of God to her and she tried to sing along too. We asked her to say the closing prayer a

Monday, October 9 2017

This week was the weirdest week of my entire mission. Almost nothing went as planned haha. We have a saying now though, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." He laughed a lot this week.  1- FIRST AND FOREMOST: god answers prayers. transfers are this week and I GET TO STAY IN HAUGESUND. and not only that but, SØSTER WHEELER IS MY NEW COMPANION. and not only that but, ONE OF THE ELDERS FROM THE MTC IS OUR DISTRICT TOO. It is going to be so much fun. all weekend I prayed for these exact people to come here, and WOW. they did. it literally is too good to be true.  2- We went on a ferry ride with our whole district last monday in stavanger. we all bought a ton of smågodt (norwegian candy) and hopped on the boat. It was a four hour ride up a fjord where we saw prekestolen, rainbows, waterfalls, cities, and amazing mountains. The weather was POURING RAIN and SO WINDY. We refused to not be outside though. It was so funny because we could try our hardest to fa